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How do you install these games? I would love to play but I just cant install them.

What is your OS? I downloaded the Windows one but after extracting it, there's no need to install it. I just started playing by clicking the .exe file inside the folder.

(3 edits)

I really loved this game since I started playing it, every route has something that makes it special, the personalities of the Luxiem members are on point, everything in this game is perfect. I felt so sad at every bad ending, I even got goosebumps every time Hikarino or Eki appeared. I would love if they added other languages, I'm not an English speaker, so sometimes I had to translate some things. Despite that, I was able to enjoy the game a lot, but it would still be a good idea to translate it into other languages so that this amazing game could have a much wider reach. (。・∀・)ノ゙

Anyway, I got 27/30 of the achievements, I tried to play all the routes again, but I still can't get the achievements and I don't understand much with the hints. The achievements I still can't complete are these:

- "See it all"

- "Catch the phantom thief during a bad time"

- "Lose to the phantom thief in your little bet"

if someone knows how to unlock these achievements, please help me 😿

(4 edits) (+1)

Hi! I don't know if these info i gained from playing are accurate but i want to help.

For "See it All" - complete all good endings, all roomie endings and all bad endings in every route.

For "Catch the Phantom Thief during a bad time" - do Mysta's bad ending again (make sure to choose all bad choices) and when the thief challenges you, choose "Shoot the Zombie" to win the bet.

For "Lose to the Phantom Thief in your little bet" - do Mysta's bad ending again (make sure to choose all bad choices) and when the thief challenges you, choose "Hide in a corner" to lose the bet.

I hope these will help!

(1 edit)

hey, this is one of my first times playing! i was doing shu's route, but i ended up dating the roomate??  is there multiple endings? did i do something wrong? lolll maybe im just dumb. also if you said something in the bio of the game, i completely skipped over everything

(1 edit) (+1)

Each route has a good ending, a roomie ending and a bad ending. And don't worry, i got roomie ending in my first playthrough too lol (i did mysta's route 1st btw)

A tip to get good endings is to get all good choices. We can know we chose a good choice if you hear a sound and see a diamond appearing briefly at the upper right corner of the game screen. Hope you get shu's good ending!

ohh, thanks so much!! this helped alot :D

No prob! Happy gaming! :)

I need help with getting the roommate ending on Shu route, please helpp how did you get itt??

how can I get the achievement. "commit to the bad ending before the good." If I already did the good first?

(3 edits) (+1)

Even if you did the good ending (I'm assuming it is Shu's) first, you can still get the achievement as long as you got a bad ending with any Luxiem member before getting a good ending with Shu again. As for the other similar achievement, I think I did a bad ending with Shu first before getting Ike's good ending.

(2 edits) (+2)

This game made me so happy in all good endings, sad and terrified in all bad endings, and surprised at the roomie ending! I'm blown away by all the stories in the game! As someone who attempted to create a visual novel game a long, long time ago, it's not easy to write stories while thinking all the possibilities that choices can make so I applaud to all the writers who helped in making this game. I am especially amazed at Shu's and Ike's routes because every time I go back to their routes to get the achievements, there will be new lines added that never failed to give me chills. I always try to get their good endings after that. The nicest surprise I found in the game is when I tried to get Mysta's good ending again. My heart melted and I kinda teared up a bit when I read the newly added lines, so thank you to the writers of Mysta's route. I love HoeL brothers' routes the most, but the other routes are amazing, as well!

The art in this game is also *chef's kiss*!! I always looked forward to the cute blushing faces of the Luxiem boys! lol And the CG's!! They're so awesome!! I love the Mysta CG with Shu in it (if you know, you know lol). To the ones who handled the coding stuff, thanks also to your hard work. I always appreciate the coders because man, coding is tough! I'll also never forget the BGM soundtrack, the OP and ED theme songs! All of them are so nice to listen to! I never skipped the intro because it just gives off chill and exciting vibes! Truly suitable for Luxiem!

Overall, I really love this precious game! Thank you for making it and I would love to see more if you guys are going to create more in the future! Otsu and tskr! <3

Oh, I also got all the achievements because of other players' help, so to other players who are struggling to get all of them, ask away and hope I or others can help you!

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm in love with this game. The storylines for all the paths were just incredible. My favorites were Shu and Ike, especially Shu. I loved the intro and the music, and I think this is the first game I've played where I never skipped the intro. I LOVED the backgrounds, and don't get me started on the CG's BEST. THINGS. EVER (I'm in love with them.) Getting the bad ends broke my heart every time. I would be so happy and would be giggling after getting a good route then I get the bad one. It hurt me to see how everything unfolded with each of them and how they remember everything I do. (If you know you know) I can't tell you how much I love this game and the Luxiem members. I can see you tried really hard to make this game and all I can say is, You really outdid yourself. I can't find numbers to rate this game so I give it Infinity over 10 (∞/10). Love the game and I hope you'll be able to create more games like this.

Anyway, I was only able to get 27/30 of the achievements. I tried replaying the game to see if I missed anything, but I couldn't get it. I don't understand what the hints are, but the ones I need to find are;

 1."Try going against the program to the point the option is gone."

2."Maybe seeing something bad too often is not a good idea." and...

3."See it all."

If anyone knows how to unlock these endings, please help.

hey, there! I'm also stuck on accomplishing 3 + another achievement! can u tell me how to accomplish the ''not playing nice w/ kindred one"? really appreciate it

(1 edit) (+2)

For achievment - "Try going against the program to the point the option is gone." You need go to moment with chat and try to switch on dark mode few times to point when this button will dissappear.
For achievment "Maybe seeing something bad too often is not a good idea." I comleted Ike's bad end few times. (You can save on last choice - get bad end - load this save - get bad end. This need 5 times.

I will very appreciate if you can tell how get achivement with "Don't play nice with the kindred"


Thank you so much for your help!!!

To get the don't play nice w/ kindred one, you would need to choose Voxs' route and wait till you are meeting the kindred for the first time then you would be given 2 options "Stay quiet" or say "Is that how to talk to your boss?" Choose "Is that how to talk to your boss and you'll get the achievement. 

oh noo, i played vox's good route first and now i can't get it :(

I'm still a bit confused about what to do for the "Try going against the program" option. Could you please explain it again?


Thanks so much for this!! I finally completed all achievements aaaaaaaaaa

I got the "Don't play nice with the kindred" by choosing all bad choices in Vox's route. If you need specific choices, I picked these when meeting the kindred for the 1st time:

- Uhm... is that how you speak to your boss?

- No thanks

- Reject

- We all care about you

- (Go back to eat)

- (Confront him)

- (Go inside)

- I'd rather be alone

- (Ask)

- Nothing happened

Hope this helps you!

Could you please help me with the "Try going against the program to the point the option is gone." achievement?

(3 edits) (+1)

Ok! I just went to Shu's route where he tried to invite you out by texting you. When you see the phone, try clicking the button with a moon beside it many times at the upper right (to change it to dark mode) till the button disappears and then bam, you'll get the achievement! Hope this helps!

OMG. Thank you so much!!! I finally got all the achievements.


omg, it was supposed to be (Ask) instead of (Don't ask), I've been repeating Vox's bad routes so many times! Thank u for the tip!!1

No problem! I also chose (Don't ask) back then and I didn't get the achievement. orz



No problem! Thanks again really for your help!! ^^

Hi! I don't know how I got "See it All" but I did try checking out all the choices in the game. It will be helpful too if you got Roomie's ending in all Luxiem boys' routes. Hope this helps you!

How do you get Roomie's ending? I've only played the game for a bit, but I haven't done any non-route interactions with Roomie or even the thief in Mysta's route!

(I haven't gotten any of the bad endings yet, but I don't think my heart can handle it...)

(4 edits) (+1)

In order to get roomie's ending, you need to choose a bit of bad choices (let's say 4 or 5?) in any route. It's kinda like the "just bros with a Luxiem member" ending. I usually choose bad choices in the beginning of every route so I can balance it out in the end with good choices and get roomie's ending.

(Good luck when you get the bad endings because my heart broke many times when I went through them... T_T)

Thank you! I've been avoiding the bad choices the whole time, but if it's for Roomie then- 

...I'll do it (;´д`)

Yes, you can do it! For roomie!

Hope you're enjoying the game so far!

(1 edit) (+1)

Don't mind if I did any mistakes. English is not my first language. So.. I played the game and got 27/30 achievements so far. First I focused on getting all the good endings. I love the story line in all paths, but I think Mysta's path is my favourite and don't know if it's because I like this story the most or I Mysta just was my favourite of Luxiem without my noticing... Anyway.. Then I started focusing on getting all the achievements so it also means I had to get some bad ending. It was breaking my heart to see those also everytime Hikarino was appearing (I don't wanna spoil but if someone got here they'll know what I mean) it gave me goosebumps. Enough about that.. I wanna also say how soundtracks, character sprites and also their models were,, I can't find right word how to express it.. They were just stunning! The personality of Luxiem members was on point. I liked also Roomie. They were such a good character here.

I'm super pleased after playing and I really can't find words how to say how much I love this game so I think I'll slowlyy be ending my comment.. 

All the hard work you did really paid off! I hope you will release some other games like this. I really would love to play it! Anyway this game deserves 10/10! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

(2 edits) (+1)

Can someone please help me out with the achievements, pretty please? I spent the entirety of 2 days trying to see everything the game has to offer but I'm still missing 3 and I don't think my soul can take another bad ending unless it actually leads to sth.

Also thank you so much for making this game, you can definitely see the love and care in it, I think boss's picking it up, I hope some of the other Luxiem boys can pick it up too then maybe we'll have a fully-voiced VN lol.

I absolutely love this game! Will it be available on mobile at some point?


I Really REALLY enjoy the game so far, I tried Shu's route but I ended up dating my roomate SADGE, I also tried Mysta's route, and... I GOT TO DATE HIM OMG I WAS HAPPY WHEN HE CONFESSED, en tho im trying Ike's route

Thank you so much for releasing such a beautiful game. Although going through the bad endings to complete the achievements hurt i enjoyed all the good endings... Everyone on the team did such an amazing job... 




This game introduced me to luxiem and im so happy i get to play this, and uhgg i loved all of their happy endings. I would love to see the real luxiem play this and react to this. :DD

(1 edit) (+1)

Maan- I did Shu's route and got his Good ending in the first try! But then I changed a bit of the choices and got his Bad End... (That one hurt so bad- I was like sobbing every time I picked the options that hurt me-.. Im someone who likes to complete all the achivements and get all the CG.. But bro that was NOT worth it.. the end was definitely NOT worth it.) 

Anyways! I got another ending too for shu's route so there are 3 endings so far for shu.. I just wanna know because Im wondering how many endings are there?- like how many for each I wonder 

Anyways! I love it very much! On the Way to play all the other routes! (Now im reconsidering if I wanna get their bad endings too... I dont think I want to- but teh urge to get all the achivements and CGs is killing me :'D)
(I also wonder.. is there a way to safe the ending once we get the bad ending route.. because when I got to the bad ending- I was desperately trying to fix it so bad :'D)


...i didn't listen to u even if you warned me about not getting all the CGs T^T now im crying :'(

You and me both maaan... But now Im wondering if you've gotten all the Archivements too! 

Because I almost have and maan... One of the achivements has an impact with the other routes so made it more impactful and very emotional (and scary) for me atleast- Its fascinating tho! 

But I applaud to you soldier for having brave enough for getting all the CGs 🫡 POG you!


(1 edit) (+1)

 I think shu and mysta had the most routes but it did take me 3 tries to get Ike's good ending (kept ending up with my roomie). I started with shu, ike, then mysta, luca and vox. I saved Milord's good ending for last because i needed the comfort after the roller coaster of emotions from all bad endings I had to go through


Ohh I see.. so we can end up with Roomie from all the routes then? I didnt know that, I thought that was only shu's haha! (Thats why I like to call it Shu's Goofy Ah ending- haha) Also if its okay to ask, how many endings does Shu and Mysta have? Im curious now I mean obviously the Good and Bad end. (And Roomie-chan ending.. wait can we get Roomie chan in Mysta's route?) And is there like other small endings? other than those 3 ofcourse (you don't really need to go into detail btw! To avoid spoilers haha) 

(I only need to get Ike's ending! Haha! Honestly I had no plan in mind and just play- and apparently the last one was Ike lol)

I need help with getting the roommate ending on Shu route, please helpp how did you get itt??


just finished all the good endings. so much fun, you guys did an incredible job.

also completely OBSESSED with shu blushing omg so adorable!  <3

Just finished Lucas route and I loved it! Really upset now to have finished it already :)

I have a question how do i download the game on chromebook?

Just played Ike's good ending and it was soo comfy. I highly recommend૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა



help i can’t download the demo how do i do so???.?.? i rly rly rly wanna play this game so bad

Hello! You can check the instructions for downloading the demo in our linktee:
The full release is on 30th of April!

This site cant be reached ;-;

I look forward to this game ^^




On their twitter they've said it'll be out April 30


yo game development ain't easy


This game will be my therapy

I can't wait for the full release \></


Had absolutely no clue what Luxiem was before that novel, but now I'm hyped! I've even found my spirit (animal) vtuber thanks to this game, lol)) Is there a set date for the release?

*giggle* this one is great. I

(1 edit) (+3)


What would happen is the real ones find this game?


This comment aged really well.


The demo is so cool :O can't wait for the full game


i- i think i just shit myself

(1 edit) (+2)

I knew one day this would come, but I still couldn't prepare myself for it-

I'm so heckin EXCITED!!!!!!Excited Anime GIF - Excited Anime Happy - Discover & Share GIFs

I wonder how members of Luxiem will react to this hehe








Man idk what Luxiem even is but it looks so good that I will play it-


Male Vtubers. That's who they are.

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